“One of my biggest marketing impacts comes from my Invisalign patients…as they are a great source of referrals to my practice.”**

Scott Runnels, DMD, PA
Destin, FL

“Invisalign treatment helps me with the overall patient experience because I offer patients what they want, I deliver the results we both want, and I provide an overall experience where they enjoy the orthodontic process.”**

Malia Kamisugi, DDS, MSD
Honolulu, HI

“Treating patients with Invisalign aligners has really helped my practice grow year after year. I believe that if I did not embrace Invisalign treatment for my patients, my practice would have declined yearly instead of experiencing continual growth.”**

Brett Gluck, DMD, MS
Alpharetta, GA

Committed to enabling research in orthodontics.

Align Technology has opened its 2019 Research Award Program to support clinical and scientific dental research in universities across the globe. This year, up to $300,000 will be awarded to university faculty for scientific and technological research initiatives to advance patient care in the fields of orthodontics and dentistry.

Learn more